If you find yourself with flowers but no vase, here are some great alternatives.

There are many alternatives to a traditional vase, you just need to be a little creative.

Simple Water Glass-Your first alternative could be a simple water glass. Depending on the size of the flower arrangement, you could use a single glass or a grouping multiple glasses.

Variety of Glasses- Second would be using a variety of glasses to create a unique grouping.

Canning Jars-Another idea would be canning jars or even recycled pickle or spaghetti sauce jars. Wrap some ribbon around the jar and viola, a beautiful vase.

Small Pail-What about a small bucket or pail. A little rustic maybe, but the flowers make it look Great!

Water Pitcher-Maybe you have an old water pitcher sitting in your cabinet. What a great looking vase!

Tin Can-The next time you open a can of vegetables or tomato sauce, maybe you should consider keeping the can. It might come in handy the next time you need a vase for those lovely flowers.

Coffee Cup-A small bunch of flowers might even fit into a coffee cup or mug.

Multiple Vases-And if you can’t find an alternative that will fit that beautiful bouquet, try splitting the bouquet up into separate stems and place them in smaller vases. The bouquet is still together, just in separate vases.

Hopefully this will give you some inspiration the next time you find yourself with some beautiful flowers, but no vase.

Whatever you decide, there are all kinds of alternatives, as long as the containers can hold water.